Science experiment

This term we have been focused on science and we have looked some materials. My favourite experiment was the polar fleece because if rain got in it it would soak but quickly dry the temperatures are warm from around 34-37 degrees and it is fluffy and not itchy on the inside I think polar fleece is the best material for the blankets.

3 thoughts on “Science experiment

  1. Hi Jake,
    This is Will and I think you did a really good job thinking about how itchy it would be, I would have never thought about it. I think you could add some more commas in your blog post. Do you agree that the blue jumpers at school are itchy?
    Sincerely, Will O

  2. Hi Jake,
    I read all about your blog post and it was wonderful. 34 to 37 degrees is really hot and that is almost hotter than Abu Dabi. My favourite experiment was the same as yours because I think it was the most fun.
    From Tom

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